Are you looking for a credit card with exclusive benefits? You can't miss the Mastercard Black card and the Surpreenda program! With the Mastercard Black card, you have access to a series of advantages, such as personal travel assistance, insurance for rental cars, access to VIP lounges at airports and much more. In addition, the Surpreenda program offers a series of incredible rewards, such as discounts at partner stores, trips and even exclusive experiences. Combined, these two features offer a set of exclusive benefits for you. In this video, we will explore in detail all the advantages offered by the Mastercard Black card and the Surpreenda program. In addition, we will show you how you can optimize the use of these features in order to maximize the benefits and save money. If you are interested in knowing how to get the most out of your credit card, this video is for you! Don't waste any more time and watch it right now to find out how the Mastercard Black card and the Surpreenda program can help you save and have an easier and more convenient life! ▶ Also watch: How to get a black card to accumulate miles: • Ep. 14: How to get a blac... ▶ Travel Insurance mentioned in the video: http://www.iatiseguros.pt/seguros-via... ▶ Subscribe to the channel: https://www.youtube.com/viajantesince... ▶ Want to learn how to TRAVEL PAYING UP TO 70% LESS? Sign up for Plan V by clicking here: https://viajantesincera.com/plano-v/ #mastercard #cards #miles