The popular anime "Detective Conan" appeared at the planetarium! Conan and the Detective Boys, along with Haibara, Ran, and Sonoko, boarded the Galaxy Railroad train at Ihatov World, a theme park that recreates the world of Kenji Miyazawa. While enjoying the fantastic starry sky world, they suddenly receive a warning letter from Kid. A treasure battle with Kid unfolds on the Galaxy Railroad! However, an unexpected trap was set there...! Will Conan be able to protect the treasure from Kid...? ©Gosho Aoyama/Shogakukan, Yomiuri TV, TMS 1996 ◆Program name "Detective Conan: The Scorching Galaxy Railroad" This is a past program that was screened in July 2023. ▼Click here for information on programs currently being screened▼ https://www.fujikawarakuza.co.jp/plan... #ShizuokaRoadStation #RoadStation #FujikawaRakuza #DetectiveConan #Planetarium