All over the world, democracy is under attack from nationalist populism. And everywhere in the world, the same enigma: how can governments that have no qualms about worsening social inequalities enjoy the support of those whose policies affect them the most? To understand this phenomenon, the French-Israeli sociologist Eva Illouz says that we must focus on emotions. Because they alone have the power to deny factual evidence and obscure personal interest. She has thus isolated four emotions that support the great populist narratives: fear, disgust, resentment and love of country. Four emotions that populist movements everywhere are working to stir up in order to better exploit them. A strategy whose workings she shows very precisely in Netanyahu's Israel. Director of studies at the EHESS, Eva Illouz works on the commodification of emotions and what she calls "affective capitalism". She is notably the author, published by Premier Parallèle, of Happycratie (2018) and Les Mercandises émotions (2019), and, published by Seuil, of La Fin de l'amour (2020). Her books have been translated into many languages. Video produced by Antoine Bourlier, as part of the Agora des Savoirs: https://www.montpellier.fr/3806-savoi... This video is a production of Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole.