The Assassins Movie - Karim Abdel Aziz EL Hashahen Film - Karim Abdel Aziz The events of the series take place in a historical framework, in the 11th century, where the leader of the Assassins, Hassan al-Sabah, and his leadership of the group that was famous for carrying out bloody assassinations of prominent figures at that time. The heroes of the work Karim Abdel Aziz, Fathy Abdel Wahab, Nicolas Moawad, Mirna Nour El-Din, Ahmed Eid, Islam Gamal, Mohamed Radwan, Sami El-Sheikh, Omar El-Shenawy, Nour Ehab, Suzan Najm El-Din, Yasser Ali Maher, Basant Abu Pasha and a large number of artists, and guests of honor Written by: Abdel Rahman Kamal Directed by: Peter Mimi Production: Synergy Hashahen 2024 The Assassins Movie Karim Abdel Aziz ⬇⬇ Subscribe to the channel ⬇⬇ https://2u.pw/lN86u Follow us on ⬇ / hashtageg / hashtageg.net / eghashta