Support on Boosty and join the chat: https://boosty.to/edvardwolf TWITCH CHANNEL: / about Support on Patreon: / edvardwolf Donate: https://www.donationalerts.com/r/edva... VK group: https://vk.com/public174121399 I'm on VK: https://vk.com/id517379384 Hello, people! To make this forty-minute TV show, I spent a whole month killing all my evenings after work just on the video. Even my voice is different in it, because I forgot which part of the microphone I was speaking into before. But now you can immerse yourself in the very trash of the universe - in the atmosphere of the late 90s - early 2000s, feeling all the pain of the schoolchildren of that time. "The third car - time's up!" Cover of Sektor Gaza from the end of the video: • Sektor Gaza - Lyrics cover of squeak... A huge thank you to all those invisible heroes from different countries who uploaded gameplay recordings of old games in HD to YouTube - I myself would not have been able to stand installing them all on my computer to record pieces (I still had to install some of the games)