It is unlikely that anyone would dare to dispute the usefulness of formal logic in everyday life. Each of us, one way or another, strives to think and act correctly (logically). We all believe that our lives are subject to one or another logic. With dialectical logic, things are more complicated. Many people, including some scientists, are skeptical about its usefulness, and even its existence. And some are inclined to contrast formal and dialectical logic. Our new lecturer will dispel the darkness of ignorance and explain this issue using accessible examples from modern science and programming. Vadim Vinnik, PhD in Physics and Mathematics, answers questions about logic and dialectics. QUESTIONNAIRES FOR THOSE WHO WANT TO JOIN CIRCLES! For Belarusians (KrasnoBY): I want to join the VK circle button - https://vk.com/app5708398_-185021066 Google form - https://forms.gle/4Xcx5nhffhLhGdkk8 For Russians ( @VECTOR ): VECTOR circle group - https://vk.com/circlevector Google form - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FA... For Ukrainians ( @Робітничий Фронт України ): Telegram bot - https://t.me/rfu_feedback_bot For Kazakhstanis ( @Красная Юрта ): Google form - https://forms.gle/o7eLGw7NCor6TQPd8 For comrades from Uzbekistan: Google form - https://forms.gle/Po5aKpMLomfQMomW8 We are on social media. networks: https://krasnoby.mave.digital / bel.krasnoby https://vk.com/bel_krasnoby https://t.me/krasnoby / krasno_by / krasno_by #Logic #Dialectics #KrasnoBY