In the third episode of the expedition, a new series that goes beyond the inner Tokyo Bay and follows fishing expeditions in away areas, we head to Nakaumi, a brackish lake that we were unable to conquer during our visit in the fall of 2022. As it is early summer, in addition to daytime fishing, we will be fishing in the Nakaumi field, where early summer Koroshiro pattern fishing has begun, with the CANNA 15 and the BANQ 120S, also known as Megabank, which is in the final stages of development. [Related videos] [Will PSC lures work in fields all over the country?] unlock my door ep.4 - Nakaumi - Yuki Ohno • [Will PSC lures work in fields all over the country?] unlock my... Challenge Amakusa Sea Bass at Megabank! [the expedition ep.1 in Amakusa] • Challenge Amakusa Sea Bass at Megabank! [The expedition ep.1 ... [Tackle used] Rod: Morethan Branzino EX AGS94LML Match the Bite Custom 94 (Daiwa) Reel: Exist LT4000-XH (Daiwa) Line: Seabass PE Power Game 0.8 (Toray) Leader: Shock Leader Smooth Lock Plus 5 (Toray) Lure: Kanna 15, Bank 82S (POP SEA CREW) Rod: Morethan Branzino EX AGS94MMH Strong Bite Custom (Daiwa) Reel: Exist LT4000-XH (Daiwa) Line: Seabass PE Power Game 1.2 (Toray) Leader: Shock Leader Smooth Lock Plus 7 (Toray) Lure: Bank 120S Proto, Rector 130F Proto (POP SEA CREW) [LINK] PSC OFFICIAL HP https://popseacrew.com/ Instagram / pop_sea_crew Twitter / popseacrew #POPSEACREW #PSC #Yuuki Ohno #Amakusa Sea Bass #CANANA15 #BANQ120S #Nakaumi Sea Bass