⚡How to Perform an Electrical Installation Safely, Even if You're Not a Professional Electrician: https://eletr.co/cortes-engehall/?utm... The DR doesn't STOP ARMED even with EVERYTHING OFF, how to SOLVE IT? Welcome everyone to Engehall's newest series, called WAR ON ZÉ FAÍSCA. The idea of the war on zé pisca is to show situations in which the customer has already called 2, 3, 4 "electricians" to try to find out the problem and they were unable to solve the problem. And to start this series, we're going to talk about him, the terror of every zé pisca... The snitch of a poorly done electrical installation... the famous IDR, or simply DR, the residual differential device. The great protector of electrical installations against current leakage. Do you know what to do when the DR doesn't stop armed, even when we turn off the entire installation using the main circuit breaker? This is a common situation that gives electricians a headache. Dude, but everything is turned off, why doesn't this damn thing stay on? A DR doesn't STOP ARMED even with EVERYTHING OFF, how do I FIX IT? I would die and not know. Well, first of all, we must remember that a DR is a device that disarms in case of a current leak, that is, making an analogy, it is as if the electric current were water passing through a pipe and there was a hole in this pipe. Therefore, part of this water doesn't go where it should, you end up losing water, right? The DR would be a valve, it detects this leak and closes automatically. In the same way that water leaks, energy can also leak, this is what we call an energy leak, and this is very dangerous. Leaks can happen for several reasons. The most common are insulation problems in the electrical cables or problems in the joints, especially in older electrical installations. Well, assuming that there is a leak in the installation that has a general DR, it will not stop armed. You are called to inspect the installation and when you get there, something happens that you did not foresee. You turn off all the circuits, including the main circuit breaker, and when you go to reset the DR, it trips again, with everything turned off. So, my dear, what are you going to do at this point? Are you going to sit down and cry? Are you going to replace the DR thinking it is broken? Or are you going to do like Zé Faísca, saying that there is no need for the DR because it trips all the time and you are going to remove the DR from the installation? Don't worry, my dear, we are going to perform the procedure that I call ATR - Analyze, Test and Resolve, but remember, to do any test, disconnect all equipment from the sockets, leaving only the lighting connected, after that, just follow this step by step: STEP 1: You go to the distribution panel and turn off all the circuit breakers, including the DR, but still leave the main circuit breaker on. STEP 2: You turn the DR back on only and you will notice that it does not stay on, so you turn off the main circuit breaker and try to turn the DR back on, but it still does not arm! Note: If the DR stays on, then the next step is to turn on the main circuit breaker and consequently the circuit breakers in the circuits in search of which circuit is leaking current. In other words, the leak is probably in the phase cable of some circuit. But in our simulation, the DR does not stay on even with everything turned off, so we go to... STEP 3: Keeping everything turned off logically, we will disconnect only the neutral cable that comes from the DR from the neutral busbar and try to turn it back on and look, the DR has armed. Now we know that there is a leak in the neutral of the installation. "Leak in the neutral André? What do you mean?" Calm down my dear, let's continue with our investigation so we can find where the problem is. DR DOES NOT STOP ARMED even with EVERYTHING OFF, how to SOLVE IT? Now you know!!! I was dying and didn't know it!