MUSLIMA SOLIHA - ⛔All types of copying from this channel are prohibited. It is not allowed to repost our videos on YouTube, Telegram, Instagram and other similar networks! Dear members of our channel, there is no objection to you liking the videos and sending them to your friends on Telegram, Instagram and other social networks. __________________________________________________________ In ghusl, first the hands are washed thoroughly, the impurities on the body are washed, then the hands are washed and ablution is performed. That is, the mouth and nose are washed with water, then the face, hands and elbows are washed three times. The hands are moistened with water and the head is wiped. If there is a place where water accumulates, the feet are not washed. The fard of ghusl is 3, which are as follows: Taking water into the mouth and gargling it well three times; Washing the nose three times (blowing); First pouring water over the head, then over the right and left shoulders three times. Each time, water is applied to areas of the body that may not be touched by water (such as the navel, ears, armpits, elbows, ankles, eyelids, and under the rings on the hands). At the end of the ghusl, the feet are washed and placed on a clean surface. If women have braided their hair, it is not necessary for them to undo it, but it is sufficient to pour water over it. If they have not braided it, they must definitely wash it. The ghusl must be perfect. This is because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) warned that “There is a virtue on every hair and every skin.” This means that it is necessary for a person to apply water to their entire body, whether male or female, head or other parts. If there is nail polish on their nails, it must be removed. If a man or woman is seriously ill and becomes junub and his illness worsens when he bathes in water, or if he is completely unable to do so, it is proper for such people to purify themselves from impurities as much as possible and perform tayammum. In short, one of the most important conditions for the acceptance of worship is cleanliness and purity. The most important of these is the ghusl, which is performed to remove junub and to perform worship in a pure state. ______________________ A RIGHTEOUS MUSLIM - Prayer, Dhikr, Dua, Istighfor, Fasting, Islam, Prayer, Dhikr, Dua, Istighfor, Fasting, Islam