It's time to prune remontant raspberries. It would seem that you can cut them down to zero and that's it. But some important points must be taken into account. Let's figure it out. Point one. We all know that remontant raspberries, having appeared in the spring, give a harvest in the first year in the fall. And point two. If the bushes that have borne fruit are not pruned, then the following summer these bushes will give an early, albeit small, harvest. All this is the ABC of gardening. But here many forget the main thing - old two-year-old bushes greatly oppress the youth, i.e. oppress the young bushes that appear in the spring. Also, do not forget that the root system of both old and young bushes is common. Roughly speaking, they all have one feeder. Accordingly, adult bushes take a lot of nutrition from the youth. And it is clear that hungry youth, although they will give an autumn harvest, will give it later and the taste of the berries may not please. There is very little warmth and sun in the fall. When pruning remontant raspberries, you need to look for a golden mean. There are dozens and dozens of varieties of remontant raspberries now. Some varieties have a tastier autumn harvest from young one-year-old bushes, some varieties have tastier early berries from two-year-old, old bushes. Sometimes berries are tasty both from young and from adult bushes. Let's draw a conclusion. The pruning scheme for remontant raspberries should be selected strictly according to your conditions and your specific varieties. At the moment, there are three main ways to prune remontant raspberries. I talked about these methods in last year's video. But many beginners, unfortunately, have not seen this video. Let's watch it, it's not long. A short announcement. If you need seeds of salad tomatoes, large-fruited and not capricious, then look at my new catalog from my collection. The varieties are very carefully selected, double-checked and will not let down even novice gardeners. #victorshadrin #adultgarden #adultgardenwithvictorshadrin #raspberry #raspberryprunings #garden #dacha #vegetablegarden .___________________________________________________________________________ Shadrin Viktor Nikolaevich Nizhny Novgorod region, Kstovo. E-mail: [email protected] Mobile phone +7-904-040-00-07