#Censo2022 #IBGE #QGIS There's nothing better than learning from other people's mistakes! After all, we're all subject to making mistakes. This class aims to highlight the updates to the IBGE census tract data (Censo 2022), recently released in its preliminary form. During a brief analysis of this data in QGIS, we came across a series of inconsistencies in the geospatial data provided. This class is, therefore, a unique opportunity to learn some techniques to identify and correct these problems, thus contributing to a more accurate and reliable spatial analysis. Article about GeoOne Census Sectors: https://geoone.com.br/dados-setores-c... 👇 Exclusive content in the GeoOne Members Area (Free Access)👇 https://link.geoone.com.br/yt_convite... 🧩 Free LF-Tools Plug-in ↴ Available in the QGIS repository ▶ MY COURSES, E-BOOKs 🌎Combo with 8 of our courses↴ https://link.geoone.com.br/yt_pvcombo ✅ Free course on QGIS - Professional Thematic Maps↴ https://link.geoone.com.br/yt_mapaste... ✅ Free course on Cadastral Maps with Atlas in QGIS↴ https://link.geoone.com.br/yt_cartas 📕 Free E-book ↴ https://link.geoone.com.br/yt_ebookgr... 🔥Course on Automation of Topographic Plans and Descriptive Memorials in QGIS ↴ https://link.geoone.com.br/yt_pv3cliques ✈️ Course on Drone Image Processing with WebODM and QGIS↴ https://link.geoone.com.br/yt_pvdrone 🛰Georeferencing of Rural Properties with FREE software↴ https://link.geoone.com.br/yt_pvgeoincra 📲QField - QGIS Field Application↴ https://link.geoone.com.br/yt_pvqfield 🖌Basic Inkscape Course for QGIS↴ https://link.geoone.com.br/yt_pvinkscape 📖💻🖱QGIS: Theory and Practice↴ https://link.geoone.com.br/yt_pvteori... 📘 E-book Plans and Descriptive Memorials in QGIS: - Available at Hotmart Complete methodology to create professional topographic plans and generate documents automatically in free software ↴ https://link.geoone.com.br/yt_ebookme... 👊FOLLOW ME ↴ ▶ VIP Group on Whatsapp: https://link.geoone.com.br/qgisexpgru... ▶ VIP Group on Telegram: https://t.me/QGISEXPERIENCE ▶ Instagram and Facebook: @geoleandrofraça ▶ LinkedIn: / leandro-fran%c3%a7a-93093714b ▶ Blog: https://link.geoone.com.br/yt_blog 🚫Don't click: https://bit.ly/3yinjd4 ✔SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL ↴ https://www.youtube.com/leandrofran%C...