What does it look like to enter an underground prehistoric tunnel that has not been visited by a human foot for thousands of years? The expert team of the 'Archaeological Park: Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun' Foundation enters several dozen meters into passages filled with side tunnels, dry stone walls and one potential novelty that they have not encountered in other tunnels. The negative ion values are extraordinary. We are on the threshold of another healing tunnel. Camera: Semir Osmanagić, Marie-Sophie Gristi, Evelina Čehajić Editing and music selection: Adnan Pašić TikTok: / semir_osmanagic YouTube shorts: https://www.youtube.com/@drsemirosman... Semir Osmanagić's Vimeo platform: https://vimeo.com/user142653546 Dr Osmanagić's private website: www.sloboda.plus Dr Osmanagić's official website: www.semirosmanagic.com Dr Osmanagić's free books: www.knjige.semirosmanagic.com Older books, also free: www.alternativnahistorija.com Official website of the Foundation: www.piramidasunca.ba Official FB page of the Foundation: / pyramid.of.the.sun.official Official Fan FB page: / drsemirosmanagich Official Twitter account of Dr Semir Osmanagić: / drsambpyramids Official Instagram of the Foundation: https://www.instagram.com/bosnian.pyr... Official Instagram of Dr Semir Osmanagić www.instagram.com/DrSemirOsmanagic Park: www.parkravne2.com Tourism: www.bosanskepiramide.ba Official YouTube TV page of the Foundation: /bosnianpyramidstv Click on SUBSCRIBE, subscription to our films is free.