???????? Boost your finances! Stop whatever you're doing NOW, because everything you need to get out of debt, save money and make the best investments is here! Get to know Me Poupe+ now: https://bit.ly/MePoupeMais ⚠️ [FREE] LEARN HOW TO MAKE MONEY WITH VARIABLE INCOME: https://bit.ly/3NOHDLc Do you need to save but feel like the money in the month isn't enough? This is the pain of many Brazilians who want to invest but, when they realize, they've already used all the money to pay the bills... BUT CALM DOWN, MY DAUGHTER! I know it's not easy for anyone, that's why I've gathered in this video the 6 BEST TIPS from the channel for you who earn little and need to save! In less than 20 minutes you will understand how to get into the 70/30 method, how to prioritize your goals and how to adjust your current expenses so as not to harm your future self. This video is a real lesson, so share it with everyone who needs urgent FINANCIAL PLANNING yesterday! Want to know more about the tips I gave in the video? Just click on the links here: METHOD FOR THOSE WHO EARN LITTLE MONEY! EASY financial planning!: • METHOD FOR THOSE WHO EARN LITTLE MONEY... 70/30 METHOD TO EARN, SAVE AND INVEST MONEY IN 2022!: • 70/30 METHOD TO EARN, SAVE AND... RECIPE FOR FINANCIAL SUCCESS! The complete step-by-step guide to having money left over!: • RECIPE FOR FINANCIAL SUCCESS! The pass... How to invest with an Intern's salary? 5 TIPS I USED IN COLLEGE!: • How to invest with an Intern's salary... METHOD FOR THOSE WHO EARN LITTLE MONEY! EASY financial planning!: • METHOD FOR THOSE WHO EARN LITTLE MONEY... DEFINITIVE FINANCIAL PLAN FOR YOUR GOALS IN 2022! DEBT, TRAVEL or FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE?: • DEFINITIVE FINANCIAL PLAN FOR YOUR GOALS ... #NathArcuri #investments #LowSalary #Save Did you watch this video and like it? The only thing Nath asks is that you subscribe to the channel! IT'S FREE! Just click here: https://bit.ly/3kqYq9D Tell us what you thought of this content: https://bit.ly/3K9R4SZ Do you want to have your question answered by Nath in a VERY CUTE way on #Nath Me Ajuda? Send your question of no more than 3 lines to [email protected] Do you want to be a partner of desfudência? [email protected] It's from the press, right, my daughter? [email protected] Do you need tools to shake up your financial life? On the Me Poupe! website, you will find simulators, e-books, spreadsheets, news and much more! Visit: mepoupe.com You can also listen to Me Poupe! Listen to PoupeCast on your favorite audio platform! Just click here: https://bit.ly/3ymFq0W Do you want Nath close to you? Follow her on Insta for daily rich tips! It's @nathaliaarcuri: https://bit.ly/3yiGR0j Want to know if we have a spot here? Just click here: https://bit.ly/3gy8Hj6 That cute little letter for Nath and the Me Poupe team? (yes, we like it too!) Post Office Box: 31305 - CEP 01309-970 ... Looking for endless financial jokes? Run to Me Poupe's Instagram! @mepoupenaweb: https://bit.ly/3jhPzHT Ahhh, your thing is variable income! Of course we have it! Follow Professor Mira, our CNP analyst, at @professormira: https://bit.ly/3yjHNSj Do you really like Facebook? We're there too! http://facebook.com.br/mepoupenaweb Getting rich is part of life! Dream, change your attitude, take care of your money and be happy! Subscribe to the Channel for free and receive no-nonsense financial tips every week!