When was the last time you had money left in your account at the end of the month? You pay all your bills, bills, health insurance, financing... but do you have money left over? Or if you have money left over, are you satisfied with the amount? And so you have been living every month, without saving money and without realizing your dreams. But I have good news: today you will learn the secrets I use to have money left over every month. It is a complete step-by-step guide that will help you make your dreams come true. #money #finances #financialeducation REVEALED! MY SECRETS TO HAVE MONEY LEFT OVER EVERY MONTH! Find out how to apply them THIS MONTH Follow me on Instagram by clicking on this link ???? ???? https://www.instagram.com/raquelmende... How to save money to have money left over at the end of the month? What to do to have money left over? How to make money last until the end of the month? What to do when you have money left over? What to do when you have money left over? What to cut to save? How to save 2 thousand reais in 3 months? How does the 50 30 20 rule work? How to get through the month with little money? How to pay bills and have money left over? How much should I save per month? How many years to save 300 thousand? How much to save per month to save 30 thousand? How to divide a salary of 3000? What to do to have money left over? How to make money last until the end of the month? What to do when you have money left over? How to pay bills and have money left over? How to pay bills and have money left over? How much does R$ 1000 yield at Nubank in a month? How much do you need to earn 100 reais per day? How to save money even when you owe? How to pay large bills with little money? I'm about to pay my bills and I don't have money, what should I do? What expenses to cut to save money? How to pay large bills with little money? I'm about to pay my bills and I don't have money, what should I do? What expenses to cut to save money? How to save money month by month? How to save 2 thousand reais in 3 months? How much should I save from my salary each month? I'm about to pay my bills and I don't have any money. What should I do? What expenses should I cut to save money? How to save money month by month? How to save 2 thousand reais in 3 months? How much should I save from my salary each month? What to do when I'm in a lot of debt? How to make a resolution with God to get out of debt? What to do when I don't have money to pay my bills? What to do when I don't have money to pay my bills? What to do when I'm in a lot of debt? How to make a resolution with God to get out of debt? How to ask God for a financial miracle? Which saint is responsible for financial miracles? Which psalm should I read to pay off debts? Where to put the money left over? What to do with the money left over in the cash register? What to do with 1,000 reais left over? What to do when you owe a lot of money? How to get back on your feet after losing a lot of money? How to make your salary last?