In NARUTO, the second Hokage, Senju Tobirama, also known as the Despicable One, used various techniques such as the Mutually Explosive Tag and Kage Bunshin. This time, we will introduce all the techniques used by Tobirama in a ranking format. You can review all 11 techniques used by Tobirama, and of course you can understand the strongest techniques, so if you like Tobirama, please enjoy until the end! ------- △ About this channel! I'm Bachi, a Naruto Maniac Summary Channel, commonly known as "Narumani"! "I want to create a place where people like you can enjoy NARUTO" ・I used to watch NARUTO, but I don't watch it much these days ・I don't know much about it, but I love NARUTO I run this channel to create a place where people like that can gather and interact with each other! From there, what I aim for is "a world that is friendly to beginners" When I look at the comments section now, I see bashing of people with little knowledge... But is it only NARUTO maniacs that can comment? That's not true. All you need to enjoy NARUTO is "the feeling of liking it." You don't need any knowledge. In order to create a peaceful world that is friendly to beginners, comments are strictly managed. Users who make offensive or provocative comments are mercilessly blocked, and we are working hard to create an environment where anyone can speak up. Even if you are afraid of being criticized, we hope you will be brave and leave a comment! Let's enjoy NARUTO together, which is a textbook on life and the best entertainment! -------- ▲BGM used Amacha's Music Studio https://amachamusic.chagasi.com/index... BGMer http://bgmer.net References & citations Masashi Kishimoto/Scott/Shueisha/NARUTO/studio Pierrot NARUTO: Secret Book of Rein Character Official Data BOOK NARUTO: Secret Book of Fighting Character Official Data BOOK NARUTO: Secret Book of One Character Official Data BOOK NARUTO: Secret Book of Jin Character Official Data BOOK If a claim is made by the rights holder, we will immediately remove the video in question. The thumbnail images are taken from the following: https://narutop99.naruto-official.com/ https://naruto-official.com/anime/nar... 0:00 Opening 0:19 Tobirama no Jutsu 11th place 1:24 Tobirama no Jutsu 10th-6th place 7:55 Tobirama no Jutsu 5th-4th place 10:30 Tobirama no Jutsu 3rd place 10:40 Tobirama no Jutsu 2nd place 11:43 Tobirama no Jutsu 1st place #naruto #Naruto #Naruto Shippuden