The process of appointing honorary workers to become PPPK is targeted to be completed by the end of 2024. On the one hand, this brings new hope for many honorary workers who have served for years. However, there are also concerns, especially regarding the eligibility and transparency of the appointment. Is this process really right on target or are there certain interests behind it? And what about the readiness of the formation and the issue of entrusted employees? For more details, we will discuss it on the Sudut Dengar Parlemen podcast, with resource persons from the Member of Commission II of the Indonesian House of Representatives, the Prosperous Justice Party Faction, Electoral District of DKI Jakarta I, namely Mardani Ali Sera. Enjoy watching. #TVRPARLEMEN #SUDUTDENGARPARLEMEN #DPRRI #KOMISIII #MARDANIALISERA #HONORER #PPPK #P3K #HONORERJADIPPPK