We discuss the scenarios expected as possible reactions to the CPI data from Goldman and JP Morgan. In addition, today we will have the first important results publications of the season. We analyze the situation in depth, from the technical, fundamental and quantitative points of view. #IPC #goldman #markets #trading #sp500 #economy #forex #carpathians #stock market We broadcast for all Spanish speakers in the world. Both institutional and private investors have their home here. We care about the plumbing of the market, what is not seen, but really moves the economy. No recommendations are given under any circumstances, only personal opinions. Cárpatos is: Partner and Investment Director of Gloversia EAF https://www.gloversia.com Certificate in Wealth & Investment Management and Associate Member at The Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (The CISI) Director of serenitymarkets.com https://www.serenitymarkets.com President of Intefi Business School https://www.intefi.com Cárpatos' Twitter @Carpatos In-depth analysis from a technical, quantitative and fundamental point of view of stock markets, financial markets and the economy in a completely independent way. Subscribe to the channel @JoseLuisCarpatos