Some references used to construct this video: David Bohm, the rebellious 'communist' of quantum mechanics who was a friend of Einstein and taught at USP: https://noticias.uol.com.br/ultimas-n... Letter from Einstein to Getulio Vargas: https://www.marxists.org/portugues/ei... Elements of quantum mechanics of the particle in the interpretation of the pilot wave: https://www.scielo.br/j/rbef/a/ZwJFPn... David Bohm: https://www.britannica.com/biography/... David Bohm, his stay in Brazil and quantum theory: https://www.scielo.br/j/ea/a/7fxJG6GM... Bohm's interpretation: https://www.ifi.unicamp.br/~maplima/f... David Joseph Bohm: Physicist and Philosopher (1917 - 1992) https://www3.unicentro.br/petfisica/2... Krishnamurti: life, work, and 10 teachings https://www.psicanaliseclinica.com/kr... J. Krishnamurti - Brockwood Park 1983 - First dialogue with David Bohm: • J. Krishnamurti - Brockwood Park 1983... David Bohm's Pilot Wave Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics: • David Bohm's Pilot Wave Interpretatio... NEITHER DUALISM NOR MONISM: DAVID'S UNDIVIDED TOTALITY: Cínthia Roso Oliveira, Sofia Inês Albornoz Stein In this video we will discuss the life of David Joseh Bohm and the genesis of his ideas that will revolutionize the perception of the foundations of quantum physics. American and Brazilian physicist, dissident of the standard interpretation of quantum physics, communist, persecuted during McCarthyism in the United States, refugee in Brazil, philosopher, friend of Einstein and Jiddu Krishnamurti. How does the idea of totality emerge in his quantum theory? Find out. Topics of interest: David Joseph Bohm, Jiddu Krishnamurti, Quantum Physics, Philosophy, Philosophy of Science, History of Science, History of Physics, Quantum Entanglement, McCarthyism, Quantum Mechanics