Sociologist Ruud Koopmans is concerned about the development of social cohesion in the Netherlands. At WNL op Zondag, Koopmans elaborates on the integration problems he sees. Want to see more of WNL op Zondag? You can do so via https://wnl.tv/programmas/wnl-op-zondag Support WNL, become a member! Go to: https://www.steunwnl.tv/ You can find more of WNL on our website and social media: ► Website: https://www.wnl.tv ► Facebook: / omroepwnl ► Instagram: / omroepwnl ► Twitter: / wnlvandaag ► Support WNL, become a member: https://www.steunwnl.tv #WNL #OmroepWNL