Join our Agroforestry Information channel https://percursoagroflorestal.com.br/... ???? **Creole Seeds: Genetic Heritage of Humanity with Thiago Luiz ???? This Wednesday, August 21st, we will discuss the importance of Creole seeds and how they are essential for food security and sovereignty. **Thiago Luiz**, one of the greatest seed guardians in Brazil, will share his experiences on the preservation, propagation and multiplication of these traditional seeds. ???????? Let's explore how we can all contribute to protecting these valuable genetics and ensuring a sustainable future for agriculture and food. Also follow: Facebook ☛ [ / sitiodasmangueirasagroecologia ]( / sitiodasmangueirasagroecologia ) Instagram ☛ [ / sitiodasmangueirasagrofloresta ]( / sitiodasmangueirasagrofloresta ) Share your questions and suggestions with us in the comments. . . . . . . . . . #Agroforestry #CreoleSeeds #FoodSovereignty #FoodSecurity #Sustainability #Agroecology #Biodiversity #CountrysideLife #SeedConservation #GeneticHeritage #Nature #SustainableAgriculture #Permaculture #Environment