Cost of living in Viçosa (guide for freshmen) Hey guys, we were late but we didn't fail, today we're going to bring you some extremely necessary content, a freshman in agronomy at UFV???? We hope this content is useful, and if you have any questions about this and other topics, feel free to ask in the comments and/or on our Instagram profile @agrosisters_ ______________________________________ The Federal University of Viçosa (UFV), has scholarships to aid students with socioeconomic vulnerability (low income), in addition to offering 100% or 75% of the value of food at the RU (university restaurant), it has female and male accommodation, where the student lives within UFV (without paying rent). You can get the housing assistance after you are already in the accommodation, if you are interested in leaving the accommodation. In addition, UFV makes available notices for students who are interested in working within UFV. ______________________________________ A little bit ABOUT everything related to academic life, internships, scientific initiation and even republics (housing in general), we are posting on our Instagram. ALL this to help YOU student!