Many gifted and talented people are afraid of being different and end up putting themselves down to fit in with social expectations. I often find in my clinic that there is also a fear of dreaming big and ending up receiving criticism. That is why in this video, we will talk about how culture can sabotage the potential of gifted people. We will also look at how to prevent our students and clients from losing faith in themselves. Our main goal is to foster the cultivation of self-efficacy in both neurodivergent and neurotypical individuals. #altashabilidades #supergiftedação #educação ------- ????Here is the COURSE to bring you security during your services: Fundamentals of High Abilities and Giftedness: https://lygiapereira.com.br/altas-hab... ???? Application form to become a Potential Catalyst: https://lygia4.typeform.com/to/XJbszllQ ♾️ Take advantage and also follow me on Instagram: / lygiapereira.psi ???? Activate the bell to receive notifications whenever we publish a new video. ???? To be with me in classes and courses, click on the link below: https://lygiapereira.com.br/links/ ???? And, if you want to purchase a copy of the book Simplificando o Autismo or do Espectro Feminino, just click on the link below: ???? Reserve my copy: https://bit.ly/4cfMsZQ