(please rate the video) SUBSCRIBE to follow the evolution of my videos on YouTube, cordially Claude Aven The Scandola Nature Reserve is located in the heart of the maritime facade of the Corsican Regional Natural Park, extending over 80 kilometers, from the Capo Rosso peninsula to the northern limit of the municipality of Galéria. the natural both terrestrial and marine. Since 1982, it has belonged to the Network of Specially Protected Marine and Coastal Areas of the Mediterranean. Its exemplary management earned it the category A diploma of European Nature Reserves awarded in 1985 by the Council of Europe, a diploma renewed in 1990 and 1995. There are more than 450 species of algae. For some, Corsica is the only Mediterranean preferred area. On the vertebrate side, 125 species have been inventoried, the abundance of which is remarkable, in particular for those that have become rare in the Big Blue: the grouper, the badêche, the dentex or the corb The peninsula at the end of the world. Not long ago, Girolata had neither electricity nor telephone. The postman was the only link with the country. Even today, no road reaches this fishing village. Here, the island has kept its wild flavor. The green of the scrubland mixes with the blue of the water. It then comes to mind that such splendor contains within it a hint of miracle.