a lawyer ???? ➜ undeuxdroit.fr ???? Article L482-4 of the Social Security Code (paragraph 1) Any agreement contrary to this book is null and void. cited case law Civ.2 June 1, 2011 n° 10-20.178 B Soc. November 17, 1994 n° 92-15.841 B n° 302 Civ.2 March 12, 2015 n° 14-12.537 Article 1184 Civil Code paragraph 1 When the cause of nullity affects only one or more clauses of the contract, it does not nullify the entire act unless this or these clauses constituted a determining element of the commitment of the parties or of one of them. #law #accident #illness #work #fault #inexcusable #incapacity #fund #security #recognition #dismissal #termination #transaction #contract #employmentcontract #victim #employee #employer #lawyer #hr Presentation download link https://docs.google.com/document/d/1X...