???? Free e-book with summaries of the most popular topics in Human Sciences, Languages and Writing: http://bit.ly/2XkPac8 ???? Free Enem Course: https://goo.gl/2rebsa ???? Full summary: https:// bit.ly/3d2nW0S ✔️ Simulated 10 ENEM geography topics: https://bit.ly/2RVm5RT Subscribe to the channel to receive everything about Enem 100% FREE https://bit.ly/37WGBZi /// ABOUT THE VIDEO The landscape of urban space is obviously different from the landscape of rural space. The landscape of the rural environment is generally associated with the natural landscape, fields, agriculture. The urban landscape is associated with the cultural landscape, with multiple cultural aspects, the characteristics of modernization mixing with the old, urban mobility, technology, among other aspects. Along with the industrialization process, at the end of the 19th century, we saw the beginning of the intensification of industrial work, which required labor. With the increase in the number of industries, already in the 20th century, the number of jobs in cities, which were increasingly developing, increased. In this class, Professor Carrieri talks about the Brazilian urbanization process. Doubts? Leave it in the comments. ;) ⏱ TIMESTAMPS / TOPICS 00:20 - What is urbanization 01:08 - How was Brazilian urbanization 02:07 - Urbanization and industrialization 03:07 - What led to the consolidation of urbanization? 04:50 - How the urban area is distributed across the Brazilian territory 05:28 - What is urban Macrocephaly? 06:55 - End of class and last message ???? ALSO WATCH Urbanization • URBANIZATION Geography Summary for... +Environmental Impact • ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT Summary of Geography... +Globalization • GLOBALIZATION Geography Summary for... ❤️ SOCIAL MEDIA INSTA @cursoenemgratuito TWITTER @enemgratuito FACE /cursoenemgratuito/ /// AFTER ALL, WHAT IS THE FREE ENEM COURSE? We are a channel of completely free classes on the topics that most frequently appear in Enem and entrance exams. We emerged to democratically share content and information about Enem, helping you get into the college of your dreams. We also have a website with written classes, questions and a study plan for you to get organized! Would you like to study with us? ???? ACCESS OUR 100% FREE ENEM COURSE https://goo.gl/2rebsa