???? In this video: Video, picture and calls of the common buzzard Name: Common buzzard Family: Accipitridae Characteristic features/appearance: Its plumage comes in various colors from whitish to dark brown. The tail feathers are white-gray with gray, dense transverse bands in all colors. The common buzzard is usually easy to recognize by the light V-shaped coloring on the chest. Easily seen in flight: the tail is short and fanned out, the primaries are spread like fingers. Size: 46-58 cm Weight: 450-1150 g Age: up to 30 years Females: As with most birds of prey, the female is slightly larger and heavier than the male. Song/calls: A bird of prey that loves to call and usually lets out a loud meowing "hii-äääh" when in flight. The jay imitates this call so realistically that you have to look closely to see whether it is the buzzard or the jay. The buzzard's warning call consists of a sharper "hii-ah". Breeding season: March - May, 1 annual brood, 30-35 day incubation period Nest: On the edge of forests, high up in trees Clutch size: 2-3 eggs Diet: Small mammals such as mice, moles and rabbits. But also amphibians and small reptiles. Sometimes small birds too, and even carrion in winter. Habitat: In field copses and on the edge of forests, open landscapes where it hunts. Often seen on wooden posts and trees by the side of the road, where it looks out for its prey. Natural enemies: Eagle owl, hawk and marten, habitat destruction, country roads Migratory behavior: Resident bird and short-distance migrant Endangered: Not currently endangered. Source: Pixabay, Pexels, Adobe Stock, Kosmos Bird Guide, Xeno-Canto, Wikipedia ...and here is my blog: https://www.federchens-gartenglueck.d... Facebook: Federchens Gartenglück Instagram: federchens_gartenglueck COME OUT WITH US TO ARRIVE IN YOURSELF! You can find further information here: https://www.federchens-gartenglueck.de #commonbuzzard #birdportrait #birdprofile #birdsonghike #naturecoaching #forestbathing #garden #closetonature #biodiversity #bees #insects #environmentalprotection #nestingaids #naturespirituality #ornithology #ornithology #forestwalk #forestfriends #loveofforest #experienceofnature #poweroftrees #loveofnature #forestbathing #insectdiversity #theklabudniok #federchensgartenglueck #experienceofnature #poweroftrees #loveofnature #forestbathing #insectdiversity #theklabudniok #federchensgartenglueck