Let's look at the radiological anatomy in a chest CT scan: what to evaluate in addition to the lungs, what characteristics to analyze, how to identify any alterations. 00:00 Introduction to the different types of chest CT and the reporting checklist 04:20 Thyroid 05:58 Thoracic aorta 10:26 Heart 12:46 Trachea 16:18 Lymph node stations 20:36 Hemidiaphragms 22:18 Lung (consolidations, nodules and masses) 24:19 MIP reconstruction 26:04 Lung (bronchi and pleura) 34:03 Soft tissue, skeleton and abdominal findings 36:37 MinIP reconstruction Chest CT: Case courtesy of Dr Dixon, A. - rID:36676 https://radiopaedia.org/cases/36676 Bronchial branch images: Case courtesy of Dr Matt Skalski - rID: 23285 https://radiopaedia.org/cases/23285/s...