The Curse of the Land of the Tiger's Nest, Chong Sra Jaeng, by To Bangjak. Thong Aek Mor Chang La Saming, by Wasan Panchami. Pang Mai Si Phan Don, by To Bangjak. Thudong Phak Pha Huai Krasan Forest, by To Bangjak. Pob Yang Fong, by R. Ratikarn. Revenge of the Scarred Tiger's Nest, by Wihok Ruenglom. The Gate to the City of Bang Bod, by Nadkham. Thudong Phak Thawi in the Twilight Forest, Lap Lae, by To Bangjak. A Wild Boar Disguises itself as a Mushroom Picker, by Nadkham. Pob Yai Kham Daeng, by Wihok Ruenglom. Boonhome the Hunter Invades the Forest, Treading on the Fierce Tiger's Nest, by R. Ratikarn. I Almost Lost My Wife to a Pob, by Maew Salit. The Goddess of Tani at Huai Nam Fa, by Nadkham. The Pob of a Rural Village, by New Name.