I'm Kitasshan, also known as Touzai Nanboku. Tournament results: 4th in the world as a team, 6th in the world as an individual, 1st in Asia. Most in-game achievements 🏆8672 ladder, 1st in the world. Global tournament 3rd, 5th, 8th, 9th 🌞Membership link⇨ / @kitassyan 🌞Twitter → / kitassyan 🌞Instagram → / kita_kita_sun 🌞BGM used • Jim Yosef - Can't Wait (feat. Anna Yv... • Janji - Heroes Tonight (feat. Johnnin... • RedMoon & Meron Ryan - Heavyweight ... • K-391 - Earth Drumstep NCS - Copy... All BGM not listed above is paid BGM from audiostock #clashroyale #clashroyale #gamecommentary #clashroyalecommentary #clashroyale #quakehog #2.6hog #clashroyalestrongestdeck #26hog #limitbreak #hogquake #Update #ClashRoyaleTemplate #ClashRoyaleStrongestCard #ClashRoyaleBalanceAdjustment #EvolvedMusketeer #LimitBreakSnowball #EvolvedSnowball #RoyalChef #Chef #TowerUnit