✅🎓 Let's take a complete Photoshop Course? See the options: https://lojaphotoshop.com.br/ Another tutorial combining Midjourney and Photoshop to create a carousel post for social media. 💎 See how to use Midjourney: • How to use Midjourney - Int... Files that I used in the tutorial All content can be found in our group on Telegram and Discord: 💜 Our group on Discord in the Downloads section: / discord 💙 And on Telegram too: https://t.me/+o5cQ4rwpTqAxYTAx Join our groups on Telegram and Discord, we have news and exclusive advantages for members. To create this tutorial, I used as a basis an article I saw on the website: https://exame.com/ciencia/nasa-encont... You can make the carousel post by creating a work screen of the final size and slicing it using the guides or also using Photoshop's artboards. I particularly prefer the first option because we can better combine the graphic elements that pass between one image and another. If you enjoyed this art using Midjouney + Photoshop, stay tuned because we will post new classes using both in the full course: ✅🎓 I have a COMPLETE course with the main tips on creating Art for Social Media in Photoshop, secure your spot at this link: https://lojaphotoshop.com.br/curso-de... Keep learning Photoshop with me, we have many tutorials here: 👉🏻 How to use MIDJOURNEY + PHOTOSHOP for SOCIAL MEDIA art: • How to use MIDJOURNEY + PHOTOSHOP for... 👉🏻 How to use Photoshop's PEN Tool: • How to use Photoshop's PEN Tool... Want more videos like this? Leave your suggestions in the comments, they are very important. Share the video link: • How to make a CAROUSEL POST using MIDJOURNEY...