Do you want to learn, in a didactic way, about the Civil Liability of the State? Watch this Administrative Law class by Professor Flávia Campos right now! In it, you will learn, in depth, the following points: 1 – Objective Civil Liability of the State: Definition; Differences between Objective Civil Liability and Civil Law Liability; Elements: conduct, nexus and damage; 2 – Fundamentals of the Objective Civil Liability of the State: Principle of burden sharing; Theory of administrative risk; 3 – Theory of integral risk; 4 – Exclusions from liability: Act of God or force majeure; Act exclusive of a third party; Act exclusive of the victim; Observations regarding the death of a prisoner in prison and regarding mitigating circumstances of liability; 5 – Art. 37, §6º, of the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil of 1988 and the legal entities that have Objective Civil Liability: Legal entities under Public Law; Legal entities under Private Law providing public services; 6 – Damages giving rise to liability: Abnormal and specific Moral damages; 7 – Agents causing damages, according to the text of art. 37, §6º, CRFB/88: Agent in the exercise of the function; Agent under the pretext of the exercise of the function; 8 – Third parties liable to suffer damages (art. 37, §6º, CRFB/88): User and non-user; 9 – Right of recourse; 10 – Theory of double guarantee; 11 – Civil liability for omission: Elements: lack of conduct, connection, damage and failure to comply with the legal duty to act; 12 – Reserve of the possible. During the class, the teacher addresses the legal provisions related to the content, cites several examples and presents case law understandings, making the study even more complete! All the content in this video will be of great value for your studies for public exams, graduation and OAB exams. After watching it, you will feel even more prepared to face these challenges! Press play and enjoy your studies! Follow us on social media! We post free tips and content daily on all of them: Instagram: / supremotv Facebook: / supremo.concursos Telegram: bit.ly/TelegramSupremo Supremo Blog: https://blog.supremotv.com.br/ Visit our website and check out our courses: https://www.supremotv.com.br/