What you need! Before going to China, I want to know the prices of the basic products that we eat. Not what the Chinese eat, but of course that too, but mostly we were interested in our usual products. In many videos on YouTube, everything flashed by somehow quickly, or they showed Chinese food. But I wanted to know if there are products that Russians are used to in China and what their prices are. I also wanted to understand which products are worth buying and which ones I will throw in the trash and not waste money on. So to speak, rationalize the food budget. Therefore, we made a separate review of what is sold in a Chinese grocery supermarket. What we recommend Russians buy in a Chinese supermarket, what we bought ourselves. We were especially pleased with the fruits in Manchuria, everywhere in China they were more expensive, but watermelons and bananas in Chengdu (a city closer to the south of China) are still tastier, there is more sweetness, less starch in bananas.