Every Tuesday and Friday from 9:30 am to 2:45 pm led by ✨ Fr.Francis Thotankkara✨ ????Google Map???? https://foursquare.com/v/52600310498e... Prayer Requests✨ Sehion Town Ministry Palakkad Office ph :0491 2504070 Mob : 9539417417 ????GIFTED COUNCILING facility will be available, tokens will be given on a first come, first served basis. ???? Our WhatsApp group ???? A WhatsApp intercessory prayer group of mothers who perform many miracles in prayer ???? ????MARIAN MOTHERS???? Praying for young people, the various missions of others and the Holy Church to be protected from the traps of the modern world... To know about this group of mothers and to join the group, Contact Admin Mob: 8078784383 , 9539417417 ???? ????Padre Pio???? WhatsApp group that prays for priests and nuns by interceding ???? To know about the group and to join the group, Contact Admins Mob: 9539417417 , 9447694549 , 8078784383 ???? For young people ???? Jeevajalam Christ Army???? WhatsApp group???? To know about the group and to join the group, Contact Admins Mob: 9539417417 , 9447694549 , 8078784383 Subscribe to the new YouTube channel of Sehion Town Ministry to receive live telecasts of the Jeevajalam services, testimonies, and interpretations of the Father's words. To receive notifications immediately, click on the bell button next to it and set it to all. To subscribe to the channel, click on this link / @fthottankara. .