JP Lachaux's technique to improve concentration. I tested it in my classes and with the young people I coach. JP Lachaux is a neuroscientist specializing in attention and concentration. He teaches us, through comparison with a beam, how to concentrate well. ================================= ???? Your free bonus: https://plateforme.kapreussir.fr/best... =================================== TOOLS and SUPPORT AVAILABLE ???? KAP Concentration online training: https://kapreussir.fr/formation-kap-c... ???? Support: https://kapreussir.fr/les-accompagnem... =================================== JP LACHAUX'S BOOK ????Les petites bulles de l'attention: https://amzn.to/3KIoOHH ================================= Find the CONCENTRATION playlist: • CONCENTRATION ==================================== And as always, for any questions: https://kapreussir.fr/contact/ Follow my Facebook page: / kapreussir My Instagram account: / kapreussir My blog: http://kapreussir.fr/ ==================================== Images: Pixabay - Pexels - Giphy