Dr. Marek Rabiński's lecture on the Chernobyl nuclear disaster was organized as part of the 16th Science Festival in Warsaw. Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, September 27, 2012 [1h02min] https://wszechnica.org.pl/wyklad/czar... On April 26, 1986, the largest accident in the history of energy occurred. As a result of a hydrogen explosion from the nuclear reactor of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the area on the border of Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia was radioactively contaminated. Why did the explosion actually happen? What did the rescue operation look like? Does the destroyed reactor still radiate today? What myths have grown up around this disaster? The direct cause of the hydrogen explosion in the reactor and the subsequent fire were attempts to conduct an experiment. In the first part of the lecture, Dr. Marek Rabiński discusses in detail the genesis of the reactor failure and presents the firefighting operation and the organization of the elimination of the effects of the failure. About 300,000 people worked on the elimination of the failure. Since May 4, 1986, 116,000 residents of the area have been evacuated from a 30-kilometer radius zone, including the entire city of Pripyat (the evacuation decision is now disputed). The 30-kilometer “zone of the highest level of contamination” is now inhabited mainly by animals (including wolves, bison, and bears), and the city of Pripyat itself is a tourist attraction. Dr. Marek Rabinski presents a number of myths that have grown up around Chernobyl, mainly false reports about the effects of radiation on health, and also predicts the future of the zone, which is a source of considerable income for former plant employees and affected residents. Find us: /wszechnicafww /wszechnicafww1 https://anchor.fm/wszechnicaorgpl---h... https://anchor.fm/wszechnica-fww-nauka https://wszechnica.org.pl/ #chernobyl #power plant #nuclear disaster #reactor #nuclears