Hey there, Agents of the Order! This week, we're playing the popular Wiki Game with the creator of Paranormal Order himself, CELLBIT! WIKI GAME RULES: One member of the group must draw a random page from the Paranormal Order Wiki. Only pages that fit into the categories: Character, Monster, Episode, Place, and Organization are valid. The other players must ask questions, one at a time, to which the answers must be 'Yes' or 'No' only. Each player is allowed to guess once per game, if they get it wrong they are out of the game. RAKIN GUESSING ORDER CHARACTERS WITH US: • RAKIN GUESSING ORDER CHARACTERS... OrderCast: Stefano P. @homemgafanhoto Nan @Nan_Yelo Lavi @MissCineraria Guest: @CellBits Special Participation: @SenhorVerissimo Thumb: @boollye @kushinaBx #paranormalorder #thesecretoftheisland #calamity