⭐️ Visual effects, luts, templates, film burns, etc… (any software) ????️ Motion Array: https://casalrec.tv/Motion24 ???? WORKSHOP from ZERO to FILMMAKER https://casalrec.tv/workshopzf-yt In this video, we address the eternal question: camera or cell phone? We unravel the main doubts and compare the advantages and disadvantages of each. If you are a filmmaker or content producer, this video will help you decide which is the best option for your needs. About this video: 00:00 Introduction 00:38 Content creators 01:27 Filmmaker 02:13 The power of cell phones 02:42 Advantages of filming with a cell phone 03:52 Disadvantages of filming with a cell phone 05:25 Camera vs. cell phone comparison 07:10 Advantages of filming with a camera 08:27 Disadvantages of filming with a camera 10:13 Working with videos with a cell phone 11:07 Prejudices against those who work with cell phones 13:30 The power of selling 14:52 Final considerations 16:30 The importance of training 17:31 Conclusion Our Instagram: / casal.rec