Nina and Sven are moving out of the city and into the country. They have been working on their home project in Rübgarten for over three years. But there are delays and problems: the construction work on the house is progressing slowly and the new building in the country is being delayed. The interior work is also progressing slowly. The new kitchen still has to be chosen, and the question of flooring is real wood parquet or laminate. Problems upon problems when building a house. Do you like Nina and Jan's story? You can find part 1 here: https://studio.youtube.com/video/NqLK.... We accompanied them as they started their home project. 0:00 Adventure of building a house After Nina and Sven left Stuttgart, they found shelter in their mother-in-law's basement. The temporary solution was planned for six weeks, but it has now turned into four months. Because building a house still takes time. At least: after weeks of waiting, a staircase is finally being installed. Domi and Steffen are also building a house next door and are always a few steps ahead of Nina and Sven. 5:18 Flooring for the new house: parquet or laminate? Nina and Sven go looking for a floor. The plan was actually to lay parquet flooring - which was already a compromise for Nina. But new questions keep cropping up. Above all, the couple have to consider which floor is best for the children's room. It won't be vinyl, however, because Nina insists on the natural floor look. 10:13 The kitchen for the new house Choosing the kitchen was just as hard. Finally, Nina and Sven were able to agree on a black kitchen, which is being built today. Installing the wall cabinets is particularly risky, because no power lines can be hit during installation. Otherwise, the house-building project will be delayed even further. 15:39 In the furniture store: spoiled for choice when it comes to the couch Nina and Sven need a built-in cupboard for the utility room. Is it worth investing in this or will a cheap option do? Then they test out sofas extensively. It should not be too small, not too light and without large gaps where toys or crumbs can end up. And then there is the question of price. 20:45 The terrace is being built Work on the new building continues outside. For their terrace, the two have chosen beige stones to match the facade. Nina and Sven share the driveway with their neighbors Domi and Steffen, so they have to work together to find stones that everyone likes. After years of planning and decisions, there is great relief when both houses are finally ready to move into and the dream of owning a home in the country has come true. Here you can find the first part of Nina and Sven's house-building adventure: • House-building project: The long road to... #Housebuilding #Self-building #Property Subscribe to the Landesschau channel: http://x.swr.de/s/landesschauabo Welcome to the official YouTube channel of the SWR Landesschau! Here you can expect an exciting, touching or curious story from people in Baden-Württemberg from Saturday to Thursday at 4 p.m. Subscribe to our channel so you don't miss a new video! Official homepage: https://www.swrfernsehen.de/landessch... Become a fan on Facebook: / landesschau.bw Follow us on Instagram: / swrheimat Check us out on TikTok: / swrheimat Our imprint: https://www.swr.de/impressum/ Our privacy policy: https://www.swr.de/datenschutz Our netiquette: https://www.swr.de/home/netiquette-10...