In this video, we will provide an overview of the history of Italy and identify the main socio-political events and movements that contributed to the country's current importance on the international scene. We will learn about the origin of the Italian language, the varieties of spoken Italian, and the difference between language and dialect. The video ends with an explanation of the Common European Framework of Reference for foreign languages. ______ Subscribe to the channel and help us share this content with more people. Take the complete Italian course and download the free teaching material: https://italianonapratica.com.br/lp-yt/ Want to receive more videos like this? Click below to subscribe to the channel: https://bit.ly/2WcJmjS Want to learn Italian with short videos of up to 3 minutes, follow me on Instagram: / italianonapratica Join the Telegram group and have access to videos, teaching materials and exclusive discounts for members: https://t.me/italianonapratica Find out all about the intensive Italian course: https://italianonapratica.com.br/curso/ Watch testimonials from course students: • Interview with students