In this tutorial we will see how musical cadences work and how to use them. If you want to complement it, here I leave you a lesson about modal interchange: • Three modal interchange chords for... Download the PDF of this lesson here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/rnh5a1... In this lesson we will talk about musical cadences, we will see what they consist of and how we can use them to give variety to our compositions. A musical cadence is the end of a phrase or the end of a musical piece, they serve to generate different harmonic movements, generate tension or resolve at other points of the harmony. In this guitar lesson we will see eight different types of cadence among which are: Perfect Cadence: When we finish VI, it is the most frequent cadence in music. Imperfect cadence It happens when we end the phrase in an inversion of the chord, the resolution continues to be felt, but in a certain way it seems unfinished. Plagal Cadence This cadence is very common, since it is done using the fourth degree and not the fifth to end the piece or phrase. Plagal Cadence variation Among the musical cadences, this is one of my favorites. It consists of using the fourth degree as a major chord and then as a minor chord, an excellent resource, widely used in British rock. Andalusian Cadence This musical cadence is very common, its sonority adjusts very well to the minor key where it is frequently found in various musical styles. Neapolitan Cadence Perhaps the most different and strange of the cadences, very interesting, it helps us achieve very different sonorities. Third of mischief. It happens when we are working in a minor key and we resolve on a major chord, widely used to generate musical jokes to the listener. We will see each of these musical cadences with examples of different harmonic progressions, we will talk about their applications within the composition and their importance. I hope you like this new lesson and can learn a lot from it, musical cadences are one of the most important resources that we must study, as chess players say, this is not how you play, it's how you finish, Find in this list of videos very useful concepts that you should know and master: • Music theory concepts that you should... Learn about our online guitar and music training courses: https://clasesdeguitarra.com.co/ Buy our books: https://clasesdeguitarra.com.co/libro...