SUBSCRIBE if you like TECHNOLOGY ➡️ http://www.youtube.com/c/TuttoTechNet... We tried the new 29 Euro per month subscription from Starlink, Elon Musk's company specializing in satellite Internet. In this video we tell you how it goes, pros, cons, speed and convenience compared to the standard 40 Euro per month subscription. ▼▼ALL LINKS▼▼ 🔥 SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL ➜ http://bit.ly/IscrivitiTTYT ▶ TELEGRAM channel best offers: https://t.me/prezzitech ▶ WHATSAPP channel best offers: https://bit.ly/wachannelTT 📱 FOLLOW US ON TIKTOK ➜ http://bit.ly/TikTokTTT 📱 FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM ➜ http://bit.ly/IGTuttoTech ▶▶ LINK: 🛠 OUR EQUIPMENT for making VIDEOS ▶️ http://bit.ly/GearTATT ======== ▶ SOCIAL TuttoTech ◀========== Instagram: http://bit.ly/IGTuttoTech Facebook: http://bit.ly/FBTuttoTech Twitter: http://bit.ly/TWTuttoTech ✅ FOLLOW US ALSO ON TUTTOANDROID: / tuttoandroid ======== ▶ SOCIAL TuttoAndroid ◀========== Facebook: http://bit.ly/FBTuttoAndroid Instagram: http://bit.ly/IGTuttoAndroid Twitter: http://bit.ly/TWTuttoAndroid Telegram: https://t.me/tuttoandroid ⚠️ Disclaimer: As affiliates of Amazon, eBay and third-party stores, we earn a commission from qualifying purchases from the links we insert. This commission does not entail any additional price for the user, as it is deducted from the sales price. 00:00 Intro 00:55 What is Starlink 03:02 Starlink Subscriptions 04:01 Installation 04:23 Hitches 06:56 How it goes for 29 Euros 11:10 Conclusions