Link to the general maintenance courses I recommend: ???? * General electronics course (Professor André Cisp) https://bit.ly/3FuLgSq ???? * Washing machine maintenance (Professor Geovane Rodrigues) https://bit.ly/3ptHkfe ???? * Microwave oven maintenance courses (Professor Geovane Rodrigues) https://bit.ly/3FAqJfm ???? * Electric fryer maintenance (Professor Geovane Rodrigues) https://bit.ly/3pqfBf3 ???? * Blender maintenance course (Professor Geovane Rodrigues) https://bit.ly/3Hf38kO ???? * Fan maintenance (Professor Geovane Rodrigues) https://bit.ly/3JugvQ3 ???? * Specialization in TV LED Replacement from Absolute Zero to Professional Level (Professor Geovane Rodrigues) https://bit.ly/32Cr2r2 ???? * Course in Micro Electronics Applied to Cell Phone and Smartphone Maintenance (Professor Antônio Junior) https://bit.ly/3mG8gGF ???? * Tool Repair for Hairdresser and Barber Specialist (Tecnotronic Cursos) https://bit.ly/3mIRQxb ???? * Fearless inverter course (Professor Fabricio Cemim Fagundes) https://bit.ly/3mJ9uRB