10 years of the show with the elephant: The show with the elephant is celebrating its 10th birthday in this anniversary show with the most elephantastic funny and factual stories from this time. The best moments are shown in a long version of the theme song 'The world is elephantastic'. In the contributions, children make funny noodle faces and make music with a balloon. Lisa introduces her pigs and shows that they like mush and cuddling. There is the popular birthday song 'I'm already 1,2,3' to sing along to. Of course, Anke is also fooling around again and finds a strange remote control: Denis. In an exciting slow-motion shot, a grasshopper jumps from blade of grass to blade of grass. Of course, Tanja, André and Knolle also congratulate the show with a birthday serenade and say goodbye at the end with a poem. 👍 Leave a like if you liked the video! -------------------------------------------------------------- 📺 More about the elephant in the ARD media library: https://www.ardmediathek.de/elefant 🐘 To the page with the elephant for children: https://www.wdrmaus.de/elefantenseite/ 🐘 To the page with the elephant for parents: https://www.wdrmaus.de/elefantenseite... 📱 To the app with the elephant: in the Google Playstore: https://play.google.com/store/apps/de... in the App Store: https://apps.apple.com/de/app/derelef... ----- This film was produced in 2014. All statements and facts correspond to the status at that time and have not been updated since then. The show with the elephant is a format aimed at children between the ages of 3 and 6 and their parents. This means: Certain features such as comments are not available for these videos. #Birthday #Anniversary #TheElephant #BirthdaySong