The Hester's Life Bakony 95 km instant bike tour takes us to the heart of Magas-Bakony: the route, seasoned with hearty climbs and unadulterated gravel sections, touches, among other things, the Kőris mountain, as well as settlements with great traditions such as Bakonybél or Zirc. In other words, in addition to the fact that the achievement is a fair test of strength, by lingering in the individual settlements, we can also discover the cultural and historical heritage of Magas-Bakony. Important LINKS: https://klnd.eu/instant_turak/ https://hesterslife.com/ #gravel #bringa #bakony 00:00 Introduction 01:48 Information about the tour 04:58 Séd-patak 08:11 Bánd & Herend 12 :03 Hajag uphill 18:26 Hajag downhill 20:10 Bakonybél 23:11 Kőris-hegy uphill 35:00 Péter Vajda lookout 37:35 Kőris mountain downhill 42:23 Tips for the tour 46:30 Borzavár racing 51:11 Zirc 56:34 Eplény gravel 01:03:06 GYU-LA-FI-RÁÁ-TÓÓT 01 :06:14 Veszprém again, goodbye 01:07:55 Outro, map