FemmEsprit is an association whose goal is to edify, equip and inspire women 360° through the Word of God. 1. The Magazine: https://magazine.femmesprit.org 2. The Boutique: https://boutique.femmesprit.org 3. Our events: https://femmesprit.org/evenements/ 4. Our website: https://femmesprit.org 5. Make a donation: https://cutt.ly/whIyGWT 6. Subscribe to our newsletter: https://www.subscribepage.com/s3i7h3 7. Join us on Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/WMbjwRbodDcPmqx... The FemmEsprit is a woman who is or aspires to be guided by the Holy Spirit and to base her life on the Word of God. Find us on Instagram and Facebook :)