Today I bring you the 6 best books I read this summer! Let me know in the comments which were your best reads and which of these books you have already read or would like to read. ????For Exclusive content subscribe to my NEWSLETTER: https://mailchi.mp/b71117c1c77d/wkf9l... ????Check out the NEW RELEASES of 2024 (updated every month): https://www.emmaglondys.com/libros-no... ????Join the Thriller~Jolics Challenge on Telegram: https://t.me/+TMWINzuqGrYwNDYx ????Join the Thriller~Jolics Reading Club: https://mailchi.mp/b71117c1c77d/wkf9l... ????Enter the Agatha Christie 12 in 12 challenge: https://t.me/agathachristie12en12 ????Social networks for Thriller~Jolics: Instagram: / emmaglondys TikTok: / emmaglondys Twitter: / emmaglondys