This is a compilation of the live-action series "A Nameless War to Survive Slowly" of the game "This War of Mine" in which ordinary citizens survive the flames of war. It has been re-edited from the series version for viewing in one go. ◇Chapter 00:00:00 Day 1 00:30:50 Day 4 01:03:32 Day 10 01:37:37 Day 15 02:06:16 Day 20 02:28:40 Day 25 03:00:00 Day 30 03:30:00 Day 35 03:47:50 Day 40 03:50:45 Ending ◇Series version is here ・Playlist: • 【This War of Mine】Slowly surviving the nameless war 【Complete】 ◇BGM ・"This War of Mine Original Soundtrack" ・"Orange Foot"Youtube Audio LibraryVoiced by https://coefont.studio #Thiswarofmine #SlowlyLive