Get a free 1-month trial of the Epidemic Sound music store when you sign up at: https://share.epidemicsound.com/cuong... When you want viewers to feel the pain or the suspense, or to increase the appeal of actions and then change scenes to manipulate the viewer's psychology, editors often use a weapon called sound effects (abbreviated as SFX). In this video, I will share with you how to find SFX, where to find them and how to use them effectively. First, where to download SFX? There are many music stores that I have shared. You can review my old videos and articles. Although they are music stores, these sources all have a huge SFX store, the most special of which is Epidemic Sound. Next, determine the style/mood of the video to help the video not get lost. Will the video everyone will make be silly or serious? Is it gentle or dramatic? Then use the marker to mark all the actions in the video that people want to put SFX in. But the important thing here is to mark, write what name, what keyword to find the appropriate SFX? I think this is the key, because people often do not know what keyword to write to find the right SFX. At this time, we will associate the sound to find the keyword. Of course, there will be many ways for many people to make sound effects in many different directions, and in my opinion, it should be divided into 2 types: real sound and fake sound. You guys watch more details in the video! 00:00 - Weapons that editors use 00:46 - How to find SFX? Where? 03:06 - Determine style: mood/tone 04:07 - Marker actions/actions 05:10 - Sound association - Search for keywords TRAN MANH CUONG ► Facebook: fb.com/cuongvlog ► Email: [email protected] ------------------------------------------ MUSIC STORE ► http://lamphimnghiepdu.com/kho-nhac CUONG'S VIDEO CLASS ► https://lamphimnghiepdu.com/hoc-bien-... AMATEUR FILMMAKING GROUP ► https://fb.com/groups/thichlamphim LPND OLD PRODUCTS LIQUIDATION MARKET ► https://fb.com/groups/cholamphimnghiepdu ------------------------------------------ VIDEO LIST ► Basic filming • BASIC FILMING ► Filming Tips & Tricks: • FILM MAKING TIPS AND TRICKS ► Filmmaking music • FILM EDITING MUSIC ► Filmmaking like XXX • Filmmaking like ..... YOUTUBER ► Film editing instructions • Film editing with DAVINCI RESOLVE