A barge is stuck in the Cikarang Bekasi Laut (CBL) River, Muara Bakti Village, Bekasi Regency, Tuesday (11/19/2024). Heavy equipment is being deployed to evacuate the ship. The barge is thought to be loading materials for the construction of the CBL River retaining wall, but the ship was swept away by the river current. The river current is known to be quite strong on Monday (11/18/2024) night. Watch more in the following video. Video Journalist: Achmad Nasrudin Yahya Scriptwriter: Muhammad Dava Arrifa Video Editor: Muhammad Dava Arrifa Producer: Holy Kartika Nurwigati Sumartiningtyas #Bekasi #Barge #CBL River #MuaraBakti Village #Barge Stuck #ClearHope