Religious lecture with KH. Rukman Wiriadinata from Cianjur religious sermons and life guidance for all of us humans in carrying out life activities sourced from the Prophet Muhammad SAW as the Prophet of the end times for us as the people of the end times, because through him we are given intercession to enter His heaven Allah SWT. Quoting the book Ilmu Pendidikan Islam by Halid Hanafi, La Adu and Zainuddin (2018: 212-213), Ahmad Sabri stated that the lecture method is a method used by teachers in delivering learning materials in the classroom orally. The interaction between teachers and students uses a lot of spoken language. In this lecture method, the teacher has a role. Thus, lectures in Islam can also be interpreted as a way to deliver teaching materials in the Islamic religion orally. This teaching material can also be delivered by teachers such as Islamic religious lessons or religious leaders such as in religious studies held in mosques. So lectures have a broad nature, not only about religious leaders. However, lectures have the same core, namely conveying the correct teachings. It has been mentioned above that lectures have the same core, namely conveying the correct teachings. That is the main purpose of a lecture. In addition, there are other purposes of lectures in Islam, namely: Inviting to do good according to religious teachings As a means of friendship As a reminder of the greatness of Allah SWT Can be a means to tell stories of the Prophets who are worthy of being emulated As a reminder to always improve the quality of worldly and spiritual life And many more, depending on the material presented by the speaker. Thus the understanding and purpose of lectures in Islam. It can be seen that all of these purposes of lectures are good things so that it is appropriate for us to listen and pay attention when someone gives a lecture. #khrukmanwiriadinata #lectures for funny stories #khfudholi #kh.anwarmurtado #khabdullahfikri #lecturesfunniest #khasep mubarok #lectures #tausiahagama #rangkasbitung #lebakbanten #lectures for fun #lectureshustadzabdulsomad #lectures for funnyzainudinmz #lectures for funnyustadtile #lectures for funnyasepmubarok #lectures for funnygusmiftah #lecturescutemumpuni #lecturescutadasadlatif #lecturesfunnymadura #lecturesfunnyjamaludin #lecturescutezaenalarifin